EGR 8910: Ph.D. Seminar

  1. Course Information

Course Title: Ph.D. Seminar

Course Abbreviation and Number: EGR 8910

Credit Hours: 1

Instructor: Joseph C. Slater

  1. Student Learning Outcomes

By attending presentations given by doctoral students in the final stages of their dissertation research, students will become familiar with research topics across all seven focus areas of the Ph.D. in Engineering Program. Students will gain insight into what is expected of them as they complete their own dissertation, both in terms of the scope of their projects and in terms of presenting their research to a general audience. Students will also be exposed to research topics from outside the program through guest speakers.

  1. Course Materials


  1. Evaluation and Policy

Attendance: 100%, approved substitutions allowed

Students will be asked to submit summaries of presentations to demonstrate both attendance and attentiveness.

  1. Assignments and Course Outline

Course consists of presentations by Ph.D. in Engineering Students and guest speakers. This schedule will be updated throughout the semester. Dead links most likely indicate that I’m still awaiting information from the speakers.

Jan 13

Course overview/TED Talk

Assignment: pick favorite of the three talks and describe why it was important to you

Jan 18, 10 AM, E 163 SU

Alternate (substitution)-Ranjan Ganguli

Jan 20

Elevator talks/assessment

Jan 27

Elevator talks/assessment

Feb 3

Nicholas Ballester

Feb 10

Sheldon Semiatin

Feb 17

José Camberos

Feb 24

Nasim Nosoudi

March 3

Spring break

March 10

Raymond Hill

March 17

Kiran D'Souza

March 24

Hongtao Yu

March 31

Mark Derriso

April 7

Shuai Wang

April 14

Kushal Abhyankar

April 21

Matt Sherwood

April 28

Finals week- no class

Speakers will be named as they become available.

Up to two of the speakers may be replaced by presentations on:

  1. Using LaTeX for writing a dissertation

  2. Plotting, documenting, and storing data

Student speakers

  1. Nicholas Ballester, WSU PhD candidate

  2. Hongtao Yu, WSU PhD candidate

  3. Shuai Wang, WSU PhD candidate

  4. Kushal Abhyankar, WSU PhD candidate

  5. Matt Sherwood, WSU PhD candidate