Mousai: An Open-Source General Purpose Harmonic Balance Solver

ASME Dayton Engineering Sciences Symposium 2017
Joseph C. Slater, October 23, 2017
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import mousai as ms
from scipy import pi, sin
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (11, 5)
from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
path = "/Users/jslater/anaconda3/etc/jupyter/nbconfig"
cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path)
cm.update("livereveal", {
              "theme": "sky",
              "transition": "zoom",
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
{'theme': 'sky', 'transition': 'zoom'}


A wide array of contemporary problems can be represented by nonlinear ordinary differential equations with solutions that can be represented by Fourier Series:

  • Limit cycle oscillation of wings/blades

  • Flapping motion of birds/insects/ornithopters

  • Flagellum (threadlike cellular structures that enable bacteria etc. to swim)

  • Shaft rotation, especially including rubbing or nonlinear bearing contacts

  • Engines

  • Radio/sonar/radar electronics

  • Wireless power transmission

  • Power converters

  • Boat/ship motions and interactions

  • Cardio systems (heart/arteries/veins)

  • Ultrasonic systems transversing nonlinear media

  • Responses of composite materials or materials with cracks

  • Near buckling behavior of vibrating columns

  • Nonlinearities in power systems

  • Energy harvesting systems

  • Wind turbines

  • Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits

  • Any system with nonlinear coatings/friction damping, air damping, etc.

These can all be observed in a quick literature search on ‘Harmonic Balance’.

Why (did I) write Mousai?

  • The ability to code harmonic balance seems to be publishable by itself

    • It’s not research- it’s just application of a known family of technique

  • A limited number of people have this knowledge and skill

    • Most cannot access this technique

    • “Research effort” is spent coding the technique, not doing research

Why write Mousai? (continued)

  • Matlab command eig unleashed power to the masses

    • Very few papers are published on eigensolutions- they have to be better than eig

    • eig only provides simple access to high-end eigensolvers written in C and Fortran

    • Undergraduates with no practical understanding of the algorithms easily solve problems that were intractable a few decades ago.

    • Access and ease of use of such techniques enable greater science and greater research.

    • The real world is nonlinear, but linear analysis dominates because the tools are easier to use.

    • With Mousai, an undergraduate can solve a nonlinear harmonic response problem easier then a PhD can today.


Linear Solution

  • Most dynamics systems can be modeled as a first order differential equation

- Use finite differences
- Use Galerkin methods (Finite Elements)
- Of course- discrete objects
  • This is the common State-Space form: -solutions exceedingly well known if it is linear

  • Finding the oscillatory response, after dissipation of the transient response, requires long time marching.

    • Without damping, this may not even been feasible.

    • With damping, tens, hundreds, or thousands of cycles, therefore thousands of times steps at minimum.

For a linear system in the frequency domain this is



\begin{equation}A = \frac{\partial \mathbf{f}(\mathbf{Z}(\omega),\mathbf{U}(\omega))}{\partial\mathbf{Z}(\omega)},\qquad B = \frac{\partial \mathbf{f}(\mathbf{Z}(\omega),\mathbf{U}(\omega))}{\partial\mathbf{U}(\omega)}\end{equation}

are constant matrices.

The solution is:

\begin{equation}\mathbf{Z}(\omega) = \left(Ij\omega-A\right)^{-1}B\mathbf{U}(\omega)\end{equation}

where the magnitudes and phases of the elements of \(\mathbf{Z}\) provide the amplitudes and phases of the harmonic response of each state at the frequency \(\omega\).

Nonlinear solution

  • For a nonlinear system in the frequency domain we assume a Fourier series solution

\begin{equation}\mathbf{z}(t)=\lim_{N\to\infty}\sum_{n=-N}^{N}\mathbf{Z}_n e^{j n \omega t}\end{equation}
  • \(N=1\) for a single harmonic. \(n=0\) is the constant term.

  • This can be substituted into the governing equation to find \(\dot{\mathbf{z}}(t)\):

  • This is actually a function call to a Finite Element Package, CFD, Matlab function, - whatever your solver uses to get derivatives

  • We can also find \(\dot{\mathbf{z}}(t)\) from the derivative of the Fourier Series:

\begin{equation}\dot{\mathbf{z}}(t)=\lim_{N\to\infty}\sum_{n=-N}^{N}j n \omega\mathbf{Z}_n e^{j n \omega t}\end{equation}
  • The difference between these methods is zero when \(\mathbf{Z}_n\) are correct.

\begin{equation}\mathbf{0} \approx\sum_{n=-N}^{N}j n\omega \mathbf{Z}_n e^{j n \omega t}-\mathbf{f}\left(\sum_{n=-N}^{N}\mathbf{Z}_n e^{j n \omega t},\mathbf{u}(t)\right)\end{equation}
  • These operations are wrapped inside a function that returns this error

  • This function is used by a Newton-Krylov nonlinear algebraic solver.

  • Calls any solver in the SciPy family of solvers with the ability to easily pass through parameters to the solver and to the external derivative evaluator.


Duffing Oscillator

\begin{equation}\ddot{x}+0.1\dot{x}+x+0.1 x^3=\sin(\omega t)\end{equation}
In [4]:
# Define our function (Python)
def duff_osc_ss(x, params):
    omega = params['omega']
    t = params['cur_time']
    xd = np.array([[x[1]],
                   [-x[0] - 0.1 * x[0]**3 - 0.1 * x[1] + 1 * sin(omega * t)]])
    return xd
In [5]:
# Arguments are name of derivative function, number of states, driving frequency,
# form of the equation, and number of harmonics

t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(duff_osc_ss, num_variables=2, omega=.1,
                                 eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=5)
print('Displacement amplitude is ', amps[0])
print('Velocity amplitude is ', amps[1])
Displacement amplitude is  0.9469563546008394
Velocity amplitude is  0.09469563544416415

Mousai can easily recreate the near-continuous response

time, xc = ms.time_history(t, x)
In [6]:
def pltcont():
    time, xc = ms.time_history(t, x)
    disp_plot, _ = plt.plot(time, xc.T[:, 0], t,
                            x.T[:, 0], '*b', label='Displacement')
    vel_plot, _ = plt.plot(time, xc.T[:, 1], 'r',
                           t, x.T[:, 1], '*r', label='Velocity')
    plt.legend(handles=[disp_plot, vel_plot])
    plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
    plt.title('Response of Duffing Oscillator at 0.0159 rad/sec')
In [7]:
time, xc = ms.time_history(t, x)
disp_plot, _ = ax.plot(time, xc.T[:, 0], t,
                            x.T[:, 0], '*b', label='Displacement')
vel_plot, _ = ax.plot(time, xc.T[:, 1], 'r',
                           t, x.T[:, 1], '*r', label='Velocity')
ax.legend(handles=[disp_plot, vel_plot])
ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax.set_title('Response of Duffing Oscillator at 0.0159 rad/sec')
In [19]:
pltcont()# abbreviated plotting function
In [20]:
time, xc = ms.time_history(t, x)
disp_plot, _ = plt.plot(time, xc.T[:, 0], t,
                        x.T[:, 0], '*b', label='Displacement')
vel_plot, _ = plt.plot(time, xc.T[:, 1], 'r',
                       t, x.T[:, 1], '*r', label='Velocity')
plt.legend(handles=[disp_plot, vel_plot])
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.title('Response of Duffing Oscillator at 0.0159 rad/sec')
In [21]:
omega = np.arange(0, 3, 1 / 200) + 1 / 200
amp = sp.zeros_like(omega)
amp[:] = np.nan
t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(duff_osc_ss, num_variables=2,
                                 omega=1 / 200, eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=1)
for i, freq in enumerate(omega):
    # Here we try to obtain solutions, but if they don't work,
    # we ignore them by inserting `np.nan` values.
    x = x - sp.average(x)
        t, x, e, amps, phases =
        ms.hb_time(duff_osc_ss, x0=x,
                 omega=freq, eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=1)
        amp[i] = amps[0]
        amp[i] = np.nan
    if np.isnan(amp[i]):
plt.plot(omega, amp)

Let’s sweep through driving frequencies to find a frequency response function

In [10]:
omegal = np.arange(3, .03, -1 / 200) + 1 / 200
ampl = sp.zeros_like(omegal)
ampl[:] = np.nan
t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(duff_osc_ss, num_variables=2,
                                 omega=3, eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=1)
for i, freq in enumerate(omegal):
    # Here we try to obtain solutions, but if they don't work,
    # we ignore them by inserting `np.nan` values.
    x = x - np.average(x)
        t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(duff_osc_ss, x0=x,
                 omega=freq, eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=1)
        ampl[i] = amps[0]
        ampl[i] = np.nan
    if np.isnan(ampl[i]):
In [8]:
plt.plot(omega,amp, label='Up sweep')
plt.plot(omegal,ampl, label='Down sweep')
plt.title('Amplitude versus frequency for Duffing Oscillator')
plt.xlabel('Driving frequency $\\omega$')

Two degree of freedom system

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\ddot{x}_1\\ \ddot{x}_2\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}2&-1 \\-1&2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}{x}_1\\{x}_2\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}\alpha x_{1}^{3}\\0\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}0 \\A \sin(\omega t)\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
In [11]:
def two_dof_demo(x, params):
    omega = params['omega']
    t = params['cur_time']
    force_amplitude = params['force_amplitude']
    alpha = params['alpha']
    # The following could call an external code to obtain the state derivatives
    xd = np.array([[x[1]],
                   [-2 * x[0] - alpha * x[0]**3 + x[2]],
                   [-2 * x[2] + x[0]]] + force_amplitude * np.sin(omega * t))
    return xd

Let’s find a response.

In [12]:
parameters = {'force_amplitude': 0.2}
parameters['alpha'] = 0.4
t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(two_dof_demo, num_variables=4,
                                 omega=1.2, eqform='first_order', params=parameters)
array([0.86696762, 0.89484597, 0.99030411, 1.04097851])

Or a parametric study of response amplitude versus nonlinearity.

In [13]:
alpha = np.linspace(-1, .45, 2000)
amp = np.zeros_like(alpha)
for i, alphai in enumerate(alpha):
    parameters['alpha'] = alphai
    t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(two_dof_demo, num_variables=4, omega=1.2,
                                     eqform='first_order', params=parameters)
    amp[i] = amps[0]
In [12]:
plt.title('Amplitude of $x_1$ versus $\\alpha$')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude of $x_1$')

Two degree of freedom system with Coulomb Damping

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\ddot{x}_1\\ \ddot{x}_2\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}2&-1 \\-1&2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}{x}_1\\{x}_2\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}\mu |\dot{x}|_{1}\\0\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}0 \\A \sin(\omega t)\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
In [16]:
def two_dof_coulomb(x, params):
    omega = params['omega']
    t = params['cur_time']
    force_amplitude = params['force_amplitude']
    mu = params['mu']
    # The following could call an external code to obtain the state derivatives
    xd = np.array([[x[1]],
                   [-2 * x[0] - mu * np.abs(x[1]) + x[2]],
                   [-2 * x[2] + x[0]]] + force_amplitude * np.sin(omega * t))
    return xd
In [17]:
parameters = {'force_amplitude': 0.2}
parameters['mu'] = 0.1
t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(two_dof_coulomb, num_variables=4,
                                 omega=1.2, eqform='first_order', params=parameters)
array([0.68916938, 0.68228248, 0.67299991, 0.66065019])
In [18]:
mu = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 200)
amp = np.zeros_like(mu)
for i, mui in enumerate(mu):
    parameters['mu'] = mui
    t, x, e, amps, phases = ms.hb_time(two_dof_coulomb, num_variables=4, omega=1.2,
                                     eqform='first_order', num_harmonics=3, params=parameters)
    amp[i] = amps[0]

Too much Coulomb friction can increase the response.

  • Did you know that?

  • This damping shifted resonance.

In [32]:
plt.title('Amplitude of $x_1$ versus $\\mu$')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude of $x_1$')

But can I solve an equation in one line? Yes!!!

Damped Duffing oscillator in one command.

In [25]:
out = ms.hb_time(lambda x, v,
               params: np.array([[-x - .1 * x**3 - .1 * v + 1 *
                                  sin(params['omega'] * params['cur_time'])]]),
               num_variables=1, omega=.7, num_harmonics=1)

OK - that’s a bit obtuse. I wouldn’t do that normally, but Mousai can.

How to get this?


  • Nonlinear frequency solutions are within reach of undergraduates

  • Installation is trivial

  • Already in use (GitHub logs indicate dozens of users)

  • Custom special case and proprietary solvers such as BDamper can be replaced for free

  • Research potential is about to be unleashed


  • Add time-averaging method

    • currently requires high number of harmonics for non-smooth systems

  • Add masking of known harmonics (average is often fixed and known)

  • Automated sweep control

  • Branch following

  • Condense the one-line method

  • Evaluate on large scale problems

    • Currently attempting to hook to ANSYS

  • Parallelize

  • Leverage CUDA

In [ ]: